In certain aspects of life there is a perception among some people that science and religion are necessarily at odds with one another. Science fiction, by definition, depends upon an element of science, be it robots or clones, space ships or time machines. This, perhaps, is one of the reasons why in much science fiction, religion barely gets a mention. What happened to the religions of Earth in
Star Trek, for instance? As I recall the first mention of any kind of religion as we know it was when Kirk went one-on-one with God in
The Final Frontier. And won.
I don't subscribe to the view that science and Christianity are mutually exclusive, and I don't believe that science fiction and Christianity should be so either. I suspect readers of this blog will agree, unless they're just here to mock me.
Having established that science fiction covers a fairly broad subject area, perhaps we should define
Christian science fiction. I've bandied about terms like 'Christian fiction' and 'Christian novel' on my other blog and elsewhere occasionally, knowing what I mean but never really sure anyone else knows.
Essentially, what I call Christian fiction is that in which some aspect of the Christian life plays a significant role - by significant I mean more than Christianity being just another character trait plucked out of the bag.
This gets a bit complicated in the realms of science fiction, not least in my own 'Christian' novel, which (a) has Old Testament roots and therefore no Christ, and (b) is set in a fictional universe entirely separate from our own, where there is no such thing as Christ, Christianity, or even Judaism. It is, however, written from my worldview as a Christian, and has at its core The Creed, an essentially Judeo-Christian faith.
Which seems an appropriate point to direct you to
Becky's blog, where she has been discussing the Christian worldview in fiction for a few days. It saves me typing any more, anyway. :-)