Just in case anyone doesn't stop off at google on their way anywhere on the 'net,
this is the little toy they're plugging today.
I'm not currently planning on sending any characters to Mars, for which this would be a nice, simple tool, but it's been such a mainstay of sf over the years - from H G Wells to
War of the Worlds
- that it has to be of passing interest to many sf fans.
And yes, it's a landscape already plundered by Christian sf too, right back to C S Lewis'
Out of the Silent Planet
, which may well have been the first instance of Christian science fiction - if anyone knows better, let me know!
A more contemporary version of Lewis' Malacandra - and therefore one more in accordance with current knowledge of Mars - is rendered by Stephen Lawhead in
Dream Thief
. This is one of my favourite Christian novels of any kind - worthy of a re-read and a proper review, but for now I will just say that Lawhead's sf books should be on any list of must-read Christian fiction.
Great start, Steve. I didn't know Lawhead wrote sci fi. Always had him pegged as fantasy.
I'm afraid that's where I fit, but I am, nevertheless, happy to see someone in the companion genre making a name.
A Christian Worldview of Fiction blog
Well, I guess this is where I either make friends or lose 'em...
I'll have to check it out. And by check it out, I mean buy it, since my local library doesn't have a copy.
Unless.... Unless I invoke the power of Interlibrary Loan... hmmm...
On a related note, how would a North American reader such as myself purchase a copy of your book? Amazon.com doesn't seem to have any. Would Amazon.uk be the place to go?
It's listed on amazon.co.uk, or if you've a PayPal account you can buy it direct. Drop me a mail at sales at stevetrower dot co dot uk and I'll work out the postage cost.
Hmm, I HAD a PayPal account but I think I let it lapse years ago. I'll check out the Amazon.co.uk option first.
Click This link and you can buy from me there too. (Cheaper & quicker) :)
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