Monday, March 09, 2009

About that hiatus...

I had intended to recommence bloggery three weeks ago, but my PC came down with something nasty and it's taken until now to have a fully functional and internet ready computer again, and to have cleared the backlog of stuff that needed to be done while I was between computers...

That does also mean that work on Project Seven has taken a bit of a slide, but hopefully I'll pick that up as well soon.

On the subject of Project Seven, it did hit a wall earlier on, at which point I reinvented it as 'Douglas Coupland wrote A Christmas Carol about my characters', which got the creative juices flowing and the original version took off again.

Over the last couple of weeks, while Project Seven has lain unloved on a flash drive somewhere, I've taken Coupland's Christmas Carol and started to fashion it into a short story... if I can finish it to something approaching my satisfaction, it may even see the light of day, if only in these here cyberpages.

Anyway, the upshot of all this is: there might be some more regular posting going on here now.

Or I might change my mind again....

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